8 Things You Can Do with Teachery

What is Teachery?

To put it plain and simple, Teachery is an online course software. For the past 7 years, I’ve used Teachery to create all of my customer hubs, courses, planner vaults, etc. To date, I have sold over a million dollars in courses on Teachery.

The best part? I get it LIFETIME access to Teachery inside of a coaching program called Wandering Aimfully. CLICK HERE to check out the Teachery bonuses I’ve made for people who join Wandering Aimfully through my affiliate link.

Alrighty! Keep reading to find out 8 things you can do with Teachery…👇🏽

  1. You can save thousands of dollars

If you have an online business, then at some point, you’re probably going to want to sell digital products and online courses. There are many ways to do this, but most platforms are going to charge you a recurring fee - either for every sale or for every month that you stay subscribed.

The amazing thing about Teachery is that you get LIFETIME access to it when you join Wandering Aimfully.

I've been selling online courses since 2017, so that's nearly 7 years in total. In the table below, you can see what it would have cost me had I stayed with a platform other than Teachery. I’ve been able to keep thousands of dollars in my pocket just by switching to Teachery for selling my courses and digital products.

✏️ Note: The monthly cost numbers are for annual pricing plans that include 0% transaction fees and the ability to offer payment plans, and make and sell the maximum number of courses/digital products. Also, this is a bit like comparing apples to oranges since different platforms offer different features, but if your main goal is to have a way to make and sell beautiful courses or have a beautiful way to deliver your digital downloads to customers, then getting Teachery via Wandering Aimfully could save you thousands of dollars.

2. You can make beautiful customer experiences

This has got to be my FAVORITE thing about Teachery (aside from saving money). I love being able to create a beautiful space for my customers to access their course or digital product. Good design goes a long way in raising the value and experience for your customers.

Not sure if you can make something pretty in Teachery? Check out the Teachery bonuses I made HERE.

3. Drip out lessons according to a schedule

In Teachery, you have the ability to edit the “Drip Schedule” of your lessons.

For me, this works great when I’m selling a live round of a 30 day course. I can set lessons to “unlock” on a set schedule.

You can also have lessons unlock based on your customer’s purchase date.

If you want to use Teachery to send automatic emails to your students each time a lesson unlocks, you can do that too!

4. Create beautiful payment/access pages

In Teachery, you can create beautiful payment pages for your products as well. These pages are also handy for growing your email list by using Teachery for your bonuses and freebies.

For example, when I would sell planners on Etsy, I would give my customers a “bonus customer hub” with their purchase. This bonus was a “course” in Teachery that I would fill with extra goodies for my Etsy customers. My Etsy customers would gain access to the bonus via a link within one of their PDF downloads. That link would take them to the Teachery payment page that I set to $0 so that all the customer had to do was create an account with their name and email in order to access their bonus.

I called this my “Etsy Customer Hub” strategy and it helped me turn thousands of Etsy customers into subscribers and repeat customers. Not to mention it helped increase conversion rates because the added value of the customer hub with extra goodies was so attractive!

5. Create Coupon Codes

Creating coupon codes for your course/product in Teachery is super easy.

You can also set up your coupon code to be redeemed a specific amount of times and expire at a certain time as well.

6. Offer bump offers in your payment page

Bump offers are such a HUGE and yet overlooked opportunity in your customers’ check out process. Why? Well, it can be really effective to offer up a product recommendation (bump offer or upsell) whilst your customer is already in the midst of making a purchase. You want to make sure that the bump offer is a great deal (maybe something deeply discounted) and relates to what they’re already buying.

This is an easy way to immediately increase your revenue and Teachery makes it easy for your customers to add your bump offer to their order.

7. Create a one-stop shop of all your courses

If you want to be able to showcase all (or just a selection) of your courses/products on one page, Teachery has a feature called “Course Hubs” that will do that for you.

Another cool feature of “Course Hubs” is that you can actually set it up for people to buy everything on the page at one time! You can create as many course hubs as you like. I think this is a great for bundling certain products together for a special price or for a special occasion.

It can also be a simple way to create a “Log In” page for everything that gives people the option to click through to “Learn More” about products they haven’t purchased yet.

8. Have Affiliates

If you want to set up affiliates for your courses/products in Teachery, it’s as simple as popping in the PayPal email of the person who wants to be an affiliate and then setting the affiliate commission percentage along with the product.

Want to get my bonuses for making the most of Teachery?

Michelle Rohr