How a $200 Purse Catalyzed My Financial Expansion

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Key Takeaways

1. Upgrade Your Money Lens

By consciously upgrading our beliefs and perspectives about money, we can open ourselves up to new opportunities and increased financial abundance.

2. Your Well-Being is Worth Millions

Prioritize investing in experiences and items that bring joy and convenience to your life. This can lead to greater income and business growth because you shift into the energy of “I AM WORTHY NOW”.

This doesn’t mean you’re wasting money or going into debt. Far from it. It means you are only spending money on what truly matters to you and being extremely frugal around the things that don’t matter to you. This kind of intentionality will lead to even more wealth.

Money comes from YOU being in alignment with your power and your right to live in a state of well-being. The world teaches us to sacrifice our well-being in order to make money. It’s time to reject that paradigm.

3. Strike a Balance with Saving/Making/Spending Money

It's essential to strike a balance between saving/investing for the future whilst also making choices that align with our present desires and needs, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and prosperous life both now and later.