How I've Set Up My Life Binder For 2017

This is exciting. 2017 is just around the corner and I just finished getting my Life Binder all cleaned up and perked up for the new year and for YOU! :)

In case you're unfamiliar with this, my Life Binder is a system that I've used for years to take 100% responsibility for my life. It allows me to have one central, physical hub for everything that is going on in my life so that I can SEE it and MEASURE my progress. It's been the key to my ability to live my life on an upward spiral and make every year 10 times better than the last.

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Life BinderMichelle Rohr
Month at a Glance Printable

When we take the time to plan out our focus and goals for the month, it is so. much. easier. to plan out our weeks and days and feel like we're operating in harmony with a bigger vision for our lives.

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Michelle Rohr