Grow Your E-Shop: The Ultimate Digital Products Strategy Course

Grow Your E-Shop: The Ultimate Digital Products Strategy Course


If you're an aspiring digital product seller or business owner, imagine learning the exact strategies that helped me make over 16,000+ digital product sales and earn over $220,000 in net income selling digital products.


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This course covers:

  • You'll learn how to craft an effective product development plan that will be the roadmap for all your future products, taking the guess work out of it. With this plan in place, your products will seamlessly fit together, creating a cohesive brand experience for your customers.

  • You'll learn how to take your individual products and create powerful bundles that will increase your sales and boost your revenue. By mastering the art of effective bundling, you'll discover the secret to maximizing your profits without any extra effort.

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  • In this course, you'll discover the power of smart pricing that will make your customers think, "this is an incredible deal!" Learn how to find the sweet spot between pricing your digital products to minimize risk and enticing your customers with an irresistible offer.

  • Running sales may seem like a no-brainer, but there's actually a strategic approach to it when it comes to your digital product shop. In this course, I'll share the sales strategy that I personally use in my own shops and guide you on how to determine which sales will work best for your specific business through a testing strategy.

  • In this course, we'll dive into the topic of refunds, helping you make an informed decision for your business. We'll explore the factors you should consider when determining whether or not to offer refunds.

  • You may already be aware of the significance of positive product reviews for the success of your shop. The more reviews your products receive, the better Etsy perceives your shop and the more likely it is to showcase it to a wider audience. Discover how I managed to increase my customer review rate from a mere 1% to a consistent 15% and beyond.

  • In this course, you'll discover 8 strategies that can benefit any online shop, regardless of the platform. However, if you're specifically selling on Etsy and interested in utilizing Etsy ads, this strategy is tailored just for you. By learning how to effectively use Etsy ads, you can minimize risks and potentially generate more passive income compared to solely relying on social media for driving traffic to your shop.

  • You'll learn how I personally collect data every day from my shop stats and use it to make informed decisions about pricing, sales, and advertising. You'll also receive my exact spreadsheet, complete with calculations, so you don't have to start from scratch. With this tool alone, you'll have all the data you need to confidently grow your e-shop.

  • You'll learn the impact of testing different variables and tracking results, empowering you to make informed decisions to increase your sales and net income. Through the process of experimenting, you'll gain valuable insights that are specific only to your shop.


Karen Kohn

I'm the owner and creator of Determined to Love Mondays. In 2018, after a 30-year career in higher education, I decided I was ready for a change. Since I always felt called from an early age to be my own boss, I decided it was time to work for myself. While I continued working full-time over the next two years, I dedicated two hours every evening to building my digital product business. I started by using my experience in higher education to create two workbooks / planners and a full list of other ideas for planners I thought would be helpful. 

But here's the thing...I quickly realized that creating amazing products is just one piece of the puzzle. Selling them and generating a sustainable income is a whole different ball game. So, I set out to crack the code of successful digital product selling. I experimented with different strategies, learned from my mistakes,and slowly enjoyed the success I was working towards. But, it wasn't always smooth sailing. There were a lot of moments of doubt, frustration, and even a few sleepless nights. But through it all, I never lost sight of my goal to create a sustainable business that would replace my full-time income. 

Once I thoroughly tested a set of strategy that was earning me a nice net income, I started getting excited about teaching again. That's when the idea for Grow Your E-Shop was born. I hope you'll join me so we can turn your dreams into a reality as well.

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