Podcastify It

Podcastify It


Turn any idea you have into a podcast feed in minutes, create unlimited free and paid podcasts, and connect with your audience with a lot more ease and fun!


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Kenz Soliman

  • I'm the self-proclaimed no niche business mentor. I help multi-passionate entrepreneurs break free from "doing one thing" and instead build a no niche business that thrives on their creativity, too-muchness, and messyness!

  • I spent YEARS trying to fit into the entrepreneurship world, built businesses then burnt them down to the ground, and spent almost 3 years in burnout town (zero out of five stars, do not recommend). Then I decided to listen to my own voice, created a business that is structred to bring me the ultimate freedom, creativity, joy, AND money and made it my mission to make multipassionates the new superstars in the entrepreneurship world.

  • I'm also a big time introvert, proud planner girl, and I'm addicted to cute mugs and cups (just ask me to show you my collection) and if you're looking for my "street credit", I teach over 150,000 entrepreneurs worldwide on Udemy, 2 times TEDx speaker, and I went from zero following to getting my idol and mentors hiring me to coach their people.